Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Our nature walk

We had our nature walk around the school to look at the different types of plants grown. Look at how hardworking we were as we took down some notes!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

National Day Celebration

We were all dressed in red to celebrate Singapore's 42th Birthday! We sang a few of our favourite songs (National Day).

Next, we participated in the game events. We ran as fast as we could and we also cheered loudly for our friends.

Our happiest moment was when we recieved our winning medals.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Junior Buzz

Our class have put up a wonderful performance on 3 August 2007. The different groups presented their groups' poems on 'colours'.

As a class, we also sang the song "I can sing a rainbow". We were all very nervous before the performance, but we managed to overcome it as a class. We enjoyed ourselves and had alot of fun! We wish to perform for the school again.
Waiting nervously for our turn...

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Racial Harmony Day

We celebrated Racial Harmony Day on 20 July. We had fun watching a recorder and Wushu performance put up by the Primary 4.

We also listened to stories about friendship and war.

11 claps for Chaitanyasre, Jia Xin and Aditya for being chosen as the story tellers. They did a wonderful and fantastic storytelling.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Our "colourful" poems... ...

Colours are all around us.
On the rocky course, it is brown in colour.
Light blue is for the sky.
Octopuses are orange in colour.
Umbrellas are in many colours.
Rainbows are colourful.
Sunflower has a bright colour.

The Magic Piano

Colours are vibrant.
Orange is great,
Indigo's brilliant,
Only colours greet.
Unless we meet,
Colours don't have feet.
Super colours will cheer you up!


Colours are lovely.
Orange is a bright colour.
Learn to love colours.
Orange is the best colour.
Useful colour.
Red is a wonderful colour.
Silver is a cool colour.

Electric Guitar

Colour, colour everywhere we go.
Orange, blue, pink, purple and violet.
Lovely light, dark colours.
Orange, blue, pink, purple and violet.
Useful colours, you are my warning sign.
Rainbows, rainbows are colourful.
Shiny colour, how shiny you are.


Colours are very bright.
Of all my common colours, I like yellow.
Light colours are beautiful.
Orange is my favourite colour.
Using different colours is colourful.
Rainbow has seven colours.
Some pretty colours.


Colours are nice,
Orange is bright,
Lovely and beautiful.
Of all colours, our favourite colours are orange and blue.
Using colours makes everything colourful.
Red is a colour of anger.
Some colours are useful, delightful and warm.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

"Noise Pollution" Posters

What are some of the ways that we can reduce noise pollution in the school?

  1. Do not talk when walking in the school.
  2. Whisper instead of talking.
  3. Do not talk unnecessarily.
  4. Do not talk in class loudly.
  5. Do not stomp your foot when walking.
  6. Do not shout.

Electric Guitar

One day, Siddharth, Aaron and Faris were shouting at the canteen. They were very noisy. When Thande and Sze Min came to join them, they heard them shouting very loudly. The canteen became a noisy fishmarket. The two girls asked them to keep quiet while they are eating their food.

  1. Please whisper.
  2. Do not shout and scream.
  3. Lower down your volume.

  1. The person who is making noise should lower their volume.
  2. If anyone is sleeping, the person need to lower the volume.

The BEST poster is designed by the Magic Piano"

Hi friends,

The Magic Piano would like you to reduce noise pollution by:

- Not talking loudly in class or school.

- Don't shout in class and school.

- If your friend is talking, tap him on his shoulder and say, "Please hush."

Artist at work- Musical Instrument

The class was told to draw musical instruments during our art lesson. The best drawings go to.... ....

Jia Xin's drum

Hui Xuen's Piano

Rajnivas's instuments